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GPS Location: N44° 03.165’ W85° 28.816’
Depth: 45'
Length: 138'
Width: 36.5'
Gross Tonnage: 340
Cargo: Pig Iron
Launched: June, 1862 in Conneaut, Ohio
Wrecked: October 8, 1898
Description: The schooner A. J. Rogers was built in 1862. She sailed from Elk Rapids for Sandusky with a cargo of 585 tons of pig iron on October 8, 1898. Leaking badly, she turned back near Cat Head Point the following day. Realizing that he could not make port, Capt. Frank Conlin attempted to beach the vessel on Old Mission Point but sank before reaching land. Much of the cargo was salvaged by the firm of Dexter & Noble,
of Elk Rapids. Today the remains of the 138 foot schooner rest in 45 feet of water.
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